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After all of our code has been implemented and finalised, it is time to reflect upon our initial requirements. As a group we went through the list of User, Functional, Non-Functional, and Constraint requirements to see if any were unfulfilled. First were the User Requirements, which were rated with either a Shall, Should, or May priority depending on how necessary they were. However as we went through the list we were confident that all User Requirements were met no matter what the priority was. Next were the Functional Requirements, each of which stem from a User Requirement. On this occasion we found two unmet requirements. The first of which was FR_END_LEVEL_DNF which specified that, “The system shall end the leg when all other opponents have crossed the finish line”. We did implement the code for this requirement initially but decided in the end that it was too sudden of an end to a leg or the game and that a better solution was to just let the user finish in their own time, if they took too long they wouldn't qualify for the final anyway. By not satisfying this requirement we felt that the game was more casual. The other Functional Requirement that was unmet was FR_CALC_DAMAGE stating, “The amount of damage taken to the user’s robustness should be calculated using the type of obstacle and the speed of the colliding objects”. We did implement damage taken by the user, but to balance our robust boat, named “Robusty” in game, we did not implement that speed and the type of objects would actually affect the damage taken. This would allow the user to play the robust boat aggressively to purposefully destroy other boats so it is the last surviving boat, therefore winning the game. Non-Functional Requirements came next, which also stem from the User Requirements and also specify a condition to be met. As we went through the list we agreed each condition had been met. Last of all was the Constraint Requirements of which there were only two, we did code in java and the game is playable on a regular computer as we tested across all of our developer’s computers which range in specifications. With almost all of our requirements met and those that we did not meet explained, the team agreed that the game is of a good standard and, according to the specification and requirements, complete. All requirements can be found on our website: Requirements